With a goal to train the next generation of world class Christian thinkers and leaders, we have specifically designed our curriculum to challenge, motivate and educate. Our teachers are highly equipped to train young men and women to see all of life through a biblical worldview lens and to prepare them to take dominion of the earth and bend it back towards God’s original and beautiful design.

We have brought together the best teachers and curricula so that our graduates will be equipped to fulfill their God-ordained potential and purpose.

iLumenEd has developed an intentionally-curated, high-quality curriculum for the purpose of helping our students understand that all truth has its roots in biblical foundations.

Using BJU Press materials as the base curriculum, iLumenEd also includes texts from publishers such as Apologia, Classical Academic Press, Institute for Excellence in Writing, and Masterbooks.


Health, Physical Education, Music & Art, Logic, Rhetoric, World Languages and various other electives

English Language Arts

Various Classical Novels

Biblical Worldview

Old and New Testament Surveys, Bible Study Skills, Apologetics, Intentional Biblical Worldview instruction, Ethics and more.

2023-24 Course List

Sample Schedules

Middle School

High School

Sample High School Biology Class

Sample High School English Class

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